Wednesday, July 29, 2009

self-fulfilling prophecy

Yesterday was one of the best days I have had in ages. First and foremost, i'm an aunt once again!! My cousin K and her husband E welcomed baby #2 into the world yesterday. (K has no siblings, thus dubbing me auntie sarah). Troy Thomas Frith is the most precious little man i've ever seen! it was wonderful to get to meet him on his very first day of life. babies are so amazing and i couldn't be happier for K&E. :]

In addition to the great news of troy's arrival...i also got a new arrival of my own. a job!!! I couldn't be more thankful. my mentor LvK has gotten us a gig working on a web series. Although it isn't for a long period of time, i am so thankful to be back into the swing of things...taking pictures, scouting, and long 10+ hour days. i cannot wait for this new adventure to begin!!!

lastly, i had a great talk with the beau last night. maybe more details later...but it was reassuring and a nice way to end my day.

love love love,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

in the middle of an island, in the middle of an ocean...

i feel like i've been silly and stuck in a rut for so long. today is the day i say, "no more." i've got so much to look forward to. i've got great friends, fantastic family, and a good head on my shoulders. I'm heading to catalina this sunday for some much needed family time. i'm greatly looking forward to island time filled with reading, sleeping on the beach, and enjoying the sunshine with my family and maybe a friend or two if they happen to venture over.

so, for now. i'm working on changing my tune and becoming a bit more glass half full, or totally full for that matter. here is to finding out what is on the other side of that rainbow. it's a brand new day.

love love love,

Monday, July 27, 2009

hands clean.

i like to clean when i feel like i can't control the rest of my life. lately, i've been cleaning...a lot. things have been a bit out of control and i'm doing my best to work with the changes rather than fight them. if nothing else comes of it...i'll at least have a clean room.

leaving for catalina with the fam on sunday. wasn't sure if i was going to go with them this year...but i figured it would be a pleasant little vacation from life here. time to think or veg or read. get out of the element. it should be nice. and hopefully, as an added bonus, i will come home with a renewed tan.

i'm desperately missing the sisterwife. hate that she is so far away and will be starting school again so soon. i'm thinking a trip to the valley is in order.

time to go and clean...

love love love,