Monday, July 27, 2009

hands clean.

i like to clean when i feel like i can't control the rest of my life. lately, i've been cleaning...a lot. things have been a bit out of control and i'm doing my best to work with the changes rather than fight them. if nothing else comes of it...i'll at least have a clean room.

leaving for catalina with the fam on sunday. wasn't sure if i was going to go with them this year...but i figured it would be a pleasant little vacation from life here. time to think or veg or read. get out of the element. it should be nice. and hopefully, as an added bonus, i will come home with a renewed tan.

i'm desperately missing the sisterwife. hate that she is so far away and will be starting school again so soon. i'm thinking a trip to the valley is in order.

time to go and clean...

love love love,