Tuesday, August 18, 2009

a step in a new direction.

the wonderful summer weather looks like it is slowly slipping away. this is the first year for as long as i can remember, that i have actually appreciated and enjoyed the sunshine and beach. thanks to my sisterwife, i have a new found love of the beach and summertime. sadly, my summer skin is also starting to leave me and soon i will return to my normal, winter worshiping self. i am in awe of how quickly this year is passing me by, and hopefully i will be able to make a wonderful dent in it before it is completely gone.

happy note for the week (even though it happened on Saturday), may and her hubby B finally welcomed their little one into the world!! Brady Cunningham Bird arrived on August 15, 2009 and 1:01 PM. I've known may since i was 13(ish) and I cannot believe she is a momma. I know she will do an amazing job as she is one of the most loving and amazing people I know!!
here is her handsome little guy! hopefully I will have a chance to make a trip to visit them at their new home soon! til then, congrats to you and your new little family!! he is beautiful!!

in my corner of the world, i am currently stressing ridiculous amounts about fixing my resume. while i may be savvy in the writing department, i'm pretty lame when it comes to formatting. thanks in part to my pledge sis, A, i will be applying for a position at a non-profit company she works with. the position sounds amazing and i'm hoping and wishin' that i will be able to crank out a beautifully mastered resume and cv to knock the sox off the HR dept. send some positive juju my way if you have the time, it is much appreciated.

aside from resume working, i'm spending the better part of the week with my brother and sister while the parentals are in wisconsin. the days have been flying by. guess i will get back to my toiling and finish this resume.
