Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tomorrow is new year’s eve. As I rule, I generally dislike new year’s eve. This year, I’m going to attempt to change that feeling. This year is going to be different. I still have no settled plans, but maybe being spontaneous will prove to make this nye more likable.

I am a bit over eager to bid adieu to 2009. I don’t believe it was a “bad” year by any means, but most certainly was not my favorite. I did a lot of growing up, soul searching, thinking, learning, loving, and falling in 2009. It was a year of trying new things and transitioning. Lots of changes took place in 2009…changes that have taken me far from where I was this time of year in 2008.

2009 was a year of relationships for me. Some have stuck, some were renewed, and some were only there for a brief moment. Each making some sort of impression on my life.

Bffneighbor and I are stronger than ever. I am forever grateful for our strange relationship. He always seems to know when I need a dose of reality, a hug, a drive to nowhere, or just some comic relief.

The sisterwife and I are wonderful, as usual. This year brought along some rocky roads in both our lives…I’m happy to know we were able to make it through everything. We are truly a pillar of strength for one another. And also the voice of reason and hope, in our own, roundabout ways. She gives me enough rope to be a crazy person…but when I need to be brought back down, she’s there to help.

One of the relationships I’ve developed most over the past year is the one with my roomieface. While we were good friends before, I really think we’ve reached a new level with one another. Bonding over Monday girls nights, McNugget & McFlurry dinners, enduring torturous rituals like threading, and of course, the late night hallway chats. Her insight has really helped me over the past few months. Couldn’t have picked a better lady to live with. :]

Another relationship that has grown into something super awesome is with me and MS. We met years ago when she saved me from being lost and left behind at a graduation…haha. The end of 2009 we resolved to see each other more than once a year for 15 minutes. She has become an amazing confidant and hang out buddy. Always up for an adventure…I’m looking forward to 2010 with her.

And last, but not least, I’m going to throw M into this one. M and I met by chance but I am super happy we did. One of those people I feel like I was supposed to meet in life for a reason. I was brought into a much happier place in life because of our meeting, and it is most certainly a driving force in my life now. The world works in strange ways…let me tell you.

While it seems most of my relationships have flourished…some others have fallen to the wayside. It’s always hard when things like that happen. Especially the long standing relationships. But, it is now time for everyone’s favorite cliché…everything happens for a reason. I’ve got to believe it. As much as it angers me to believe it…I’m working on accepting that stupid saying as truth.

Enough about relationships. And 2009. I’m looking toward the future. All of the great things to come in 2010…a new decade. How weird…a new decade. I was reading a note written by my sister, Dotted, and she was talking about how the end of the ‘00s marked the end of her childhood. A tad depressing to think about, but I think I’ve got to agree with her. Just strange to take it. But anyhow…2010, new things. I’ve got a list I’m working on as far as things I’d like to accomplish this year. A 2010 bucket list if you will…

· Visit at least 3 states ( hopefully new ones I have yet to see)

· Stolen from Julie/Julia…and stemming from the dearly departed dinner club I used to be a part of...I’m going to attempt to cook my way through a cookbook my grammy gave me. It is filled with recipes from the teachers and parents of kids from my preschool…including one from my own momma. And yes, I’m even going to blog about it. So, stay tuned…it’s going to happen.

· Go back to Europe.

· Take a road trip

· Stay organized…no more tornado room/car.

· Skydive again.

· Spend more time with my family…movie nights, game nights, dinners together.

· Build a travel fund…or just my savings account :] and stick to my budget.

· Read at least 30 books (I’ll keep a tally going)…possibly invest in a kindle or a nook.

· See at least 5 live performances; plays, concerts, comedians…

· Continue to not drink soda.

· Make an effort to reconnect/visit friends who live in different cities/states/countries.

I’m sure there are more…as I will add to this list as the mood strikes me. Till then, I will be counting down the hours left in 2009. Looking forward to a new beginning.
