Monday, April 5, 2010

the hiatus is over.

After an impromptu visit from one of my dear friends favorite bloggers, I have a new found energy to faithfully update my blog. It has been 3 or so months since my last I figured I should post an update on life and its happenings.

As far as my 2010 to do list from my last entry I have accomplished the following:

  • Saturday I'm leaving for Montana (which will cross off one state) as well as Canada, which will be a new country to add to my list too!
  • Hardcore cleaned my room...which should count toward staying organized
  • Started a savings plan! (thank goodness for automated transfers!)
  • Read 6 books toward my 30
  • Seen 4 out of my 5 live performances (Aladdin, Aladdin Jr., Eddie Izzard, The Jungle Book)
  • Kept connected with my dear hs friend KS as well as tentative bikram/bar method plans with HBS & dinner plans with another girlfriend.
I have, however, failed to begin cooking my way through a cook book as the one I chose to use was filled with many repeat recipes, which also included many things I refuse to eat. Thus, killing my plan.

In addition to working on my 2010 to do list, I've been keeping busy with life and work. Work is going splendidly and has been bringing many challenges and great things to my life. Was able to work the Oscars this year...quite a task! My job is such a blessing and more than I could ask for.

Life is always an adventure. I've been sticking to my hardcore, healthy eating habits and it is paying off tenfold. I'm looking and feeling better than I have in years. Being back into a size 4 jeans is glorious...shows you what a little diligence can do. I'm hoping to further my improved lifestyle with some yoga, running or some other healthful activity. 2010 is definitely bringing me into a wonderful way of life.

After reading my last entry (as it's been a few months) I realized that it had been written before my last date of 2009...a date that proved to change my life as I knew it. MV and I met during the tail end of 2009 in a twist of fate that could only happen in the movies. I credit our relationship to serendipity. He has been by my side since the last hours of '09 and faithfully into 2010 and I couldn't be happier. He is a breath of fresh air and the sweetest man I think i've ever encountered. I thank my lucky stars every day for him.

Brief, yes...but I'm going to be back.

love love love,